TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2022

Saturna Island Sea Star
Count & Talk

Please join us for our second annual Saturna sea star count. Teams will be assigned to shore zones to count sea stars at low tide. This year, we’re excited to welcome Philip Lambert, 

Curator Emeritus at the Royal BC Museum and echinoderm expert, who will be giving an outdoor talk on sea stars during the wrap-up at East Point Cliffside CRD Park.

Learn more here.

 Count: 11:00 am to 1:15 pm. 

Outdoor talk and wrap-up: 3:00pm. 

Meet at East Point Cliffside CRD Park.


Food and beverages included for all counters. Those who would like to join for the talk only are welcome. 

Grass seating or bring a chair.

 To join in the count, please sign up 

in advance. Contact: Robyn Quaintance