TUESDAY, MAY 23, 2023


Saturna Island Sea Star Count & Talk

Please join us for our third annual Saturna sea star count. Teams will be assigned to pre-determined shore zones to count sea stars at low tide.

This is a community effort to measure the effects of the sea star wasting syndrome which started in 2013/14 and continues to affect the ecology of the Pacific West Coast. It’s also a wonderful opportunity to walk the low tide and peer into tide pools and caverns.

Count: 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm.
Outdoor talk and wrap-up: 4:00 pm.
Meet at East Point Cliffside CRD Park.

Food and beverages included for all counters. Those who would like to join for the wrap up only are welcome. 

To join in the count, please sign up in advance.
Contact: Robyn Quaintance
Saturna Island violet sea stars
Saturna Island sea stars
in cooperation with Saturna Ecological Education Centre | SEEC
Saturna Island Marine Research & Education Society | SIMRES
Saturna Island Parks and Rec Commission | SIPRC