THURSDAY, MAY 27, 2021

Saturna Island Sea Star Count

SEA STAR WASTING DISEASE: In 2014 to 2016, the Pacific Coast from Alaska to Mexico experienced a devastating mysterious viral disease causing a decline of sea stars on a scale never seen before. Sunflower star populations declined by 90% and the species is now close to extinction. The once ubiquitous ochre stars also suffered a terrible decline. Since then, researchers have been looking for signs of recovery and intertidal surveys are being conducted throughout the region to count, measure and document sea stars to establish current baselines. Please join us on May 27 to look for sea stars on Saturna’s coastline and be a part of the first sea star count here. A specific protocol established by UC Santa Cruz will be followed and data will be shared. Learn more here.

The count will be from 11:00am to 1:00pm, with a socially distanced
outdoor wrap up at 2:00pm. Food and beverages included. 

Covid precautions will be followed.

To join in, please sign up in advance

Contact: Robyn Quaintance by email —