The Saturna Christmas Bird Count is a long-established annual event and part of the Audubon Christmas Bird Count. It is the world’s largest and longest-running citizen science project and its data is used by researchers around the world. We’re proud to be part of a circle including Pender and Mayne Islands.
Our next count is Saturday, December 16, 2023.
A typical count has about 25 participants who hike or kayak the shoreline and make bird feeder observations. Most years there is a boat circumnavigation of Saturna including Tumbo and Cabbage Islands. In recent years, our average counts have been 80 species and 5000 individual birds.
As bird populations are dropping significantly around the world, observations and the collection of data are critical to reversing the trend.
Our citizen birders are an enthusiastic group and we accept new birders every year. If you would like to join our Saturna Birding Group, please contact us.
Saturna Birding Enthusiasts with bird expert, Daniel Donnecke.