We are a community-based non-profit organization building awareness of marine life and ecosystems in the Salish Sea. We work to promote scientific, evidence-based research and we provide support and facilities for marine research and education on Saturna Island. 




Saturna is one of the best places to observe whales from land. The iconic Southern Resident Killer Whales (SRKWs) have traditionally travelled close to the Saturna shoreline and Biggs (Transient) Killer Whales and humpbacks are increasingly seen in these waters as well. Minke, grey whales and fin whales are all occasional visitors. We have an array of hydrophones in Boundary Pass and are now part of a coordinated group—the BC Coast-wide Hydrophone Network—facilitating research into underwater sounds, the movements of whales, and the effects of boat sounds on their movements.


We are located in an area where anthropogenic (human) activity continues to play a large role in the emerging ecology of the Salish Sea. Our aim is to understand and preserve as much of the natural state as possible. Humans have coexisted with the species that live in and close to these waters for thousands of years, but this long-standing balance has been disturbed. Exploitation, industrialization, ocean warming, and population pressure from the millions of people living and visiting the Salish Sea, are having an increasingly large impact, as they change the ecology, decimate some native species and cause the arrival of invasive pests. Our goal is to be a part of the solution—to encourage the restoration of a more natural ecology and a more thoughtful approach to human activity in and around the Salish Sea.


SIMRES provides a platform for scientific research on Saturna Island. We are committed to working with educational, professional, and volunteer organizations and individuals to achieve our goals.


Through research activities like community-based data collection, we learn and share information about our natural surroundings. SIMRES is committed to encouraging and organizing educational events that bring people together to learn about this ecosystem and the things that affect it.


Our renowned SeaTalks program provides opportunities for our members and community to learn about current and historical events that shape the environment in and around the Salish Sea. To date, we have had more than fifty experts in science and research present their work in talks on Saturna.


SIMRES is a not-for-profit society registered in British Columbia. Donations to SIMRES can be claimed as a tax deduction in Canada. 

Various SIMRES projects and events have been funded through private donations and government grants. Start-up funding for SIMRES came through the Saturna community, the Saturna Community Club, Saturna Lions Club, and the Capital Regional District (CRD).