Risks and Resilience in Salish Sea
Coastal Invertebrates
David Denning, Naturalist & Climate Activist
Founding Board Member, Nature Salt Spring and Salt Spring Community Energy Society
Through colourful images and fascinating natural history,David’s presentation will explore the tide-pools and shallows of the Salish Sea to discover some fascinating invertebrate animals. It’s an extraordinary biodiversity but is it vulnerable in the face of climate change? David will look at both threats to invertebrates and their resilience to help us discuss and understand this question. He will discuss a Salt Spring Island Community Science Sea Star Bioblitz and will join the Saturna Sea Star Bioblitz the following day.
David was the Education Coordinator at Bamfield Marine Station, has written, filmed and produced educational films for CBC Nature of Things, the National Film Board, Smithsonian and others. He continues to teach about nature conservation and carbon reduction.
Community Hall
$15 at the door
18 & under are free